[{"type":"intro","content":"\u003Cp\u003EI\u2019m an English chap named Bhav, \u2018ave lived in Manchester, Leicester and Crawley (Gatwick Airport if that rings a bell). I thought I\u2019d explain to a German person what they may not know about England before visiting, mostly entailing the cultural differences. Vice versa, show an English person what Germany is like, although this is in impartial as I haven\u2019t had near as much experience in Germany as I have had in comparison to England.\u003C\/p\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EDISCLAIMER: These are my opinions. Please do not take the given facts as 100% true, little to no research was done (based solely off amazing experiences)\u2026 \u003C\/p\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EENJOY THE QUICK READ.\u003C\/p\u003E"},{"type":"text","content":"\u003Cp\u003EIn the first part I will explain England for Germans, of course in German. Scroll down for a guide to Germany for English people.\u003C\/p\u003E\n\u003Ch3\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EEngland f\u00fcr Deutsche \u003C\/strong\u003E\u003C\/h3\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EErstens: \u003C\/strong\u003EFu\u00dfball ist sehr popul\u00e4r in England. In England ist es v\u00f6llig normal, Manchester United Fan zu sein und in London zu leben. Jeder hat eine Mannschaft. \u2028\u003Cbr \/\u003E\u003C\/p\u003E\n"},{"modifier":["small"],"image":{"alt":null,"lazy":"lqip","src":{"src":"\/media\/common\/_490xAUTO_crop_center-center_20_none\/England_1c.png"},"srcset":[{"unit":"w","width":490,"src":"\/media\/common\/_490xAUTO_crop_center-center_none\/England_1c.png"},{"unit":"w","width":710,"src":"\/media\/common\/_710xAUTO_crop_center-center_none\/England_1c.png"}],"sizes":[{"condition":"min-width: 768px","width":"490px"},{"width":"100vw"}]},"caption":"\u003Cp\u003EDer Junge rechts bin ich, bei meinem ersten Spiel f\u00fcr Liverpool.\u003C\/p\u003E","type":"image"},{"type":"text","content":"\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EZweitens:\u003C\/strong\u003E Die Tiere in England sind nicht so aggressiv wie hier \u2013 MEINER MEINUNG NACH! Wie du im Foto sehen kannst, sind sie sehr nett! In Deutschland hat mich eine Wespe gestochen, ohne Grund, einfach so, das erste Mal in meinem Leben. Nicht nett!\u003C\/p\u003E\n"},{"modifier":["small"],"image":{"alt":null,"lazy":"lqip","src":{"src":"\/media\/common\/_490xAUTO_crop_center-center_20_none\/England_2.png"},"srcset":[{"unit":"w","width":490,"src":"\/media\/common\/_490xAUTO_crop_center-center_none\/England_2.png"},{"unit":"w","width":710,"src":"\/media\/common\/_710xAUTO_crop_center-center_none\/England_2.png"}],"sizes":[{"condition":"min-width: 768px","width":"490px"},{"width":"100vw"}]},"caption":"\u003Cp\u003EIch und eine nette britische Ente.\u003C\/p\u003E","type":"image"},{"type":"text","content":"\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EDrittens:\u003C\/strong\u003E Wir studieren viel k\u00fcrzer in England. Im Grunde genommen haben die meisten einen Bachelorabschluss (und vielleicht einen Master, selten einen PhD). Viele Leute k\u00f6nnen sich nicht mehr als einen Abschluss leisten, weil studieren in England sehr teuer ist.\u2028\u003Cbr \/\u003E\u003C\/p\u003E\n"},{"modifier":["small"],"image":{"alt":null,"lazy":"lqip","src":{"src":"\/media\/common\/_490xAUTO_crop_center-center_20_none\/England_3b.jpg"},"srcset":[{"unit":"w","width":490,"src":"\/media\/common\/_490xAUTO_crop_center-center_none\/England_3b.jpg"},{"unit":"w","width":710,"src":"\/media\/common\/_710xAUTO_crop_center-center_none\/England_3b.jpg"}],"sizes":[{"condition":"min-width: 768px","width":"490px"},{"width":"100vw"}]},"caption":"\u003Cp\u003EIch und meine Uni.\u003C\/p\u003E","type":"image"},{"type":"text","content":"\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EViertens:\u003C\/strong\u003E Kicker in England hei\u00dft \u201cfoosball table\u201d. Bevor ich hier angekommen bin, hatte ich gar keine Ahnung was \u201eKicker\u201d hei\u00dft. Man findet auch selten ein Kicker Tisch in England, daf\u00fcr \u00f6fter einen Billardtisch.\u003Cbr \/\u003E\u003C\/p\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EF\u00fcnftens:\u003C\/strong\u003E Berlin und Hamburg sind komplett anders als London. Hier in Deutschland scheinen die Leute ein bisschen gl\u00fccklicher zu sein. Vielleicht liegt es ja daran, dass alles viel billiger ist. \u003C\/p\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003ESechstens:\u003C\/strong\u003E Tourismus in England ist ganz anders als in Deutschland! Wir haben: Stonehenge, Big Ben, Tower of London, National Parks, Eden Projekt, und alles in London, was jeder kennt. Laaaangweilig. Aber in Deutschland gibt es sehr viele historische Sehensw\u00fcrdigkeiten, die in Verbindung mit Weltkriegen oder dem kalten Krieg stehen. \u2028Spannend.\u003Cbr \/\u003E\u003C\/p\u003E\n"},{"modifier":["big"],"image":{"alt":null,"lazy":"lqip","src":{"src":"\/media\/common\/_830xAUTO_crop_center-center_20_none\/England_7.jpg"},"srcset":[{"unit":"w","width":830,"src":"\/media\/common\/_830xAUTO_crop_center-center_none\/England_7.jpg"},{"unit":"w","width":1100,"src":"\/media\/common\/_1100xAUTO_crop_center-center_none\/England_7.jpg"}],"sizes":[{"condition":"min-width: 1024px","width":"1100px"},{"width":"100vw"}]},"caption":"\u003Cp\u003EDas London Eye ist ein beliebter Ort f\u00fcr Touristen.\u003C\/p\u003E","type":"image"},{"type":"text","content":"\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003ESiebtens:\u003C\/strong\u003E Wir Briten \u00fcberqueren die Stra\u00dfe, egal was die Ampel anzeigt! \u2028\u003C\/p\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EAchtens:\u003C\/strong\u003E Kneipenkultur! In England trinkt man Cider, Bier (Guiness, Peroni, San Miguel oder was lokales). Wir haben \u2018squash\u2019, sehr konzentrierter Saft, den man mit Wasser mischt. Es gibt Pub-Ketten wie \u2019weatherspoons\u2019, die sehr popul\u00e4r sind. Es gibt \u00fcberall in England ein \u2019weatherspoons\u2019. Typisches englisches Kneipen-Essen ist: Bangers and Mash (Kartoffelbrei mit W\u00fcrstchen), Scotch egg (Fleisch mit Eiern), Chicken Tikka Masala, Jacket potato (Ofenkartoffel mit K\u00e4se und Bohnen) und Fisch und Chips.\u003Cbr \/\u003E\u003C\/p\u003E\n"},{"modifier":["small"],"image":{"alt":null,"lazy":"lqip","src":{"src":"\/media\/common\/_490xAUTO_crop_center-center_20_none\/England_6.png"},"srcset":[{"unit":"w","width":490,"src":"\/media\/common\/_490xAUTO_crop_center-center_none\/England_6.png"},{"unit":"w","width":710,"src":"\/media\/common\/_710xAUTO_crop_center-center_none\/England_6.png"}],"sizes":[{"condition":"min-width: 768px","width":"490px"},{"width":"100vw"}]},"caption":"\u003Cp\u003EWarum gehen Deutsche nicht \u00f6fter in Kneipen?\u003C\/p\u003E","type":"image"},{"type":"text","content":"\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003ENeuntens:\u003C\/strong\u003E Ich muss sagen, ich habe viel mehr unterschiedliche Kulturen in England gesehen als in Deutschland. Es gibt zum Beispiel den Notting Hill Carnival in England, der andere Kulturen feiert! England scheint multikultureller zu sein als Deutschland.\u003C\/p\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EZehntens:\u003C\/strong\u003E In England ist \u201ecornern\u201c verboten. Daf\u00fcr kann man in der Bahn trinken.\u003C\/p\u003E\n\u003Ch3\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EGermany for English chaps\u003C\/strong\u003E\u003C\/h3\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EFirst:\u003C\/strong\u003E The football culture is very prevalent in Hamburg despite the fact that both Hamburg teams are second league teams, not as common in England. I also feel like in Germany, in general, there\u2019s a lot more \u2018local\u2019 fans (there\u2019s less Berliners who support Bayern M\u00fcnchen to say the least).\u003Cbr \/\u003E\u003C\/p\u003E\n"},{"modifier":["big"],"image":{"alt":null,"lazy":"lqip","src":{"src":"\/media\/common\/_830xAUTO_crop_center-center_20_none\/Germany_1.jpg"},"srcset":[{"unit":"w","width":830,"src":"\/media\/common\/_830xAUTO_crop_center-center_none\/Germany_1.jpg"},{"unit":"w","width":1100,"src":"\/media\/common\/_1100xAUTO_crop_center-center_none\/Germany_1.jpg"}],"sizes":[{"condition":"min-width: 1024px","width":"1100px"},{"width":"100vw"}]},"caption":"\u003Cp\u003EMe visiting a game of FC St. Pauli in Hamburg.\u003C\/p\u003E","type":"image"},{"type":"text","content":"\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003ESecond:\u003C\/strong\u003E Wasps seemed to have tormented me all summer in Germany and I got stung for the first time here, so in my opinion they\u2019re overly aggressive. On serious note they are a little bit more \u2018in your face\u2019 here. \u2028\u003C\/p\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EThird:\u003C\/strong\u003E Tourism is completely different here in comparison to England, a lot of it is based off history generally speaking. Of course in Hamburg, not so much (from my experiences), but let\u2019s say Hamburg is like Brighton or Manchester, there\u2019s not much tourism in either of those English cities, which is quite the opposite to Hamburg.\u2028\u2028 Disclaimer: You find your fair share of drunk brits here on the Reeperbahn or sometimes in Sternschanze.\u2028\u003Cbr \/\u003E\u003C\/p\u003E\n"},{"modifier":["small"],"image":{"alt":null,"lazy":"lqip","src":{"src":"\/media\/common\/_490xAUTO_crop_center-center_20_none\/Germany_2b.jpg"},"srcset":[{"unit":"w","width":490,"src":"\/media\/common\/_490xAUTO_crop_center-center_none\/Germany_2b.jpg"},{"unit":"w","width":710,"src":"\/media\/common\/_710xAUTO_crop_center-center_none\/Germany_2b.jpg"}],"sizes":[{"condition":"min-width: 768px","width":"490px"},{"width":"100vw"}]},"caption":"\u003Cp\u003EViews from the Alster.\u003C\/p\u003E","type":"image"},{"type":"text","content":"\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EFourth:\u003C\/strong\u003E Multiculturalism, you\u2019ll notice there\u2019s a concentration of foreigners in some areas more than others (I guess the same as England) but I find it\u2019s not quite as diverse as England. And I\u2019ve noticed a lot of reference to American politics here in Hamburg\u2028\u003C\/p\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EFifth:\u003C\/strong\u003E People seem to study all the time here, regardless of age! There\u2019s a lot of \u2018werkstudenten\u2019, which we don\u2019t really get (these are the people who work in offices as well as doing a part time degree). \u2028\u003C\/p\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003ESixth:\u003C\/strong\u003E Music - the culture is very different here, they know their own German music very well (naturally so) and their American music (as everyone does) but they\u2019re not really into their British English music\u2028\u003C\/p\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003ESeventh:\u003C\/strong\u003E Hamburg specific - the Reeperbahn, Schlagermusik! I\u2019ve never seen anything like this in England, Schlagermove festival (overly joyous simple music) and the Reeperbahn (a place full of drunk people\/brits, where people party A LOT). \u2028\u003C\/p\u003E\n"},{"modifier":["big"],"image":{"alt":null,"lazy":"lqip","src":{"src":"\/media\/common\/_830xAUTO_crop_center-center_20_none\/Germany_4.jpg"},"srcset":[{"unit":"w","width":830,"src":"\/media\/common\/_830xAUTO_crop_center-center_none\/Germany_4.jpg"},{"unit":"w","width":1100,"src":"\/media\/common\/_1100xAUTO_crop_center-center_none\/Germany_4.jpg"}],"sizes":[{"condition":"min-width: 1024px","width":"1100px"},{"width":"100vw"}]},"caption":"\u003Cp\u003EA foosball table or as the germans say: Kicker.\u003C\/p\u003E","type":"image"},{"type":"text","content":"\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EEighth:\u003C\/strong\u003E Pub Culture: they\u2019re open for a lot longer here, but I don\u2019t find it\u2019s as part of the culture as much as it is in England. I\u2019ve never really heard anyone say \u2018Dya wanna go to the pub\u2019 here in Germany. They also have foosball tables here rather than pool tables and they don\u2019t sell pints!\u2028\u003C\/p\u003E\n"},{"modifier":["small"],"image":{"alt":null,"lazy":"lqip","src":{"src":"\/media\/common\/_490xAUTO_crop_center-center_20_none\/Germany_5b.jpg"},"srcset":[{"unit":"w","width":490,"src":"\/media\/common\/_490xAUTO_crop_center-center_none\/Germany_5b.jpg"},{"unit":"w","width":710,"src":"\/media\/common\/_710xAUTO_crop_center-center_none\/Germany_5b.jpg"}],"sizes":[{"condition":"min-width: 768px","width":"490px"},{"width":"100vw"}]},"caption":"\u003Cp\u003EThe internet at Fork.\u003C\/p\u003E","type":"image"},{"type":"text","content":"\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003ENinth: \u003C\/strong\u003EIn Germany you can drink on the street, it's called \u2018cornern\u2018.\u003C\/p\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003ETenth:\u003C\/strong\u003E FINALLY, THERE\u2019S NO \u003Ca href=\u0022https:\/\/www.fork.de\/\u0022 target=\u0022_blank\u0022 rel=\u0022noreferrer noopener\u0022\u003EFORK UNSTABLE MEDIA\u003C\/a\u003E IN ENGLAND, which is a massive difference. We definitely need one here.\u003C\/p\u003E"}]
What your English/German teacher forgot to tell you. A guide for english people to Germany, vice versa.
I’m an English chap named Bhav, ‘ave lived in Manchester, Leicester and Crawley (Gatwick Airport if that rings a bell). I thought I’d explain to a German person what they may not know about England before visiting, mostly entailing the cultural differences. Vice versa, show an English person what Germany is like, although this is in impartial as I haven’t had near as much experience in Germany as I have had in comparison to England.
DISCLAIMER: These are my opinions. Please do not take the given facts as 100% true, little to no research was done (based solely off amazing experiences)…
In the first part I will explain England for Germans, of course in German. Scroll down for a guide to Germany for English people.
England für Deutsche
Erstens: Fußball ist sehr populär in England. In England ist es völlig normal, Manchester United Fan zu sein und in London zu leben. Jeder hat eine Mannschaft.
Der Junge rechts bin ich, bei meinem ersten Spiel für Liverpool.
Zweitens: Die Tiere in England sind nicht so aggressiv wie hier – MEINER MEINUNG NACH! Wie du im Foto sehen kannst, sind sie sehr nett! In Deutschland hat mich eine Wespe gestochen, ohne Grund, einfach so, das erste Mal in meinem Leben. Nicht nett!
Ich und eine nette britische Ente.
Drittens: Wir studieren viel kürzer in England. Im Grunde genommen haben die meisten einen Bachelorabschluss (und vielleicht einen Master, selten einen PhD). Viele Leute können sich nicht mehr als einen Abschluss leisten, weil studieren in England sehr teuer ist.
Ich und meine Uni.
Viertens: Kicker in England heißt “foosball table”. Bevor ich hier angekommen bin, hatte ich gar keine Ahnung was „Kicker” heißt. Man findet auch selten ein Kicker Tisch in England, dafür öfter einen Billardtisch.
Fünftens: Berlin und Hamburg sind komplett anders als London. Hier in Deutschland scheinen die Leute ein bisschen glücklicher zu sein. Vielleicht liegt es ja daran, dass alles viel billiger ist.
Sechstens: Tourismus in England ist ganz anders als in Deutschland! Wir haben: Stonehenge, Big Ben, Tower of London, National Parks, Eden Projekt, und alles in London, was jeder kennt. Laaaangweilig. Aber in Deutschland gibt es sehr viele historische Sehenswürdigkeiten, die in Verbindung mit Weltkriegen oder dem kalten Krieg stehen. Spannend.
Das London Eye ist ein beliebter Ort für Touristen.
Siebtens: Wir Briten überqueren die Straße, egal was die Ampel anzeigt!
Achtens: Kneipenkultur! In England trinkt man Cider, Bier (Guiness, Peroni, San Miguel oder was lokales). Wir haben ‘squash’, sehr konzentrierter Saft, den man mit Wasser mischt. Es gibt Pub-Ketten wie ’weatherspoons’, die sehr populär sind. Es gibt überall in England ein ’weatherspoons’. Typisches englisches Kneipen-Essen ist: Bangers and Mash (Kartoffelbrei mit Würstchen), Scotch egg (Fleisch mit Eiern), Chicken Tikka Masala, Jacket potato (Ofenkartoffel mit Käse und Bohnen) und Fisch und Chips.
Warum gehen Deutsche nicht öfter in Kneipen?
Neuntens: Ich muss sagen, ich habe viel mehr unterschiedliche Kulturen in England gesehen als in Deutschland. Es gibt zum Beispiel den Notting Hill Carnival in England, der andere Kulturen feiert! England scheint multikultureller zu sein als Deutschland.
Zehntens: In England ist „cornern“ verboten. Dafür kann man in der Bahn trinken.
Germany for English chaps
First: The football culture is very prevalent in Hamburg despite the fact that both Hamburg teams are second league teams, not as common in England. I also feel like in Germany, in general, there’s a lot more ‘local’ fans (there’s less Berliners who support Bayern München to say the least).
Me visiting a game of FC St. Pauli in Hamburg.
Second: Wasps seemed to have tormented me all summer in Germany and I got stung for the first time here, so in my opinion they’re overly aggressive. On serious note they are a little bit more ‘in your face’ here.
Third: Tourism is completely different here in comparison to England, a lot of it is based off history generally speaking. Of course in Hamburg, not so much (from my experiences), but let’s say Hamburg is like Brighton or Manchester, there’s not much tourism in either of those English cities, which is quite the opposite to Hamburg. Disclaimer: You find your fair share of drunk brits here on the Reeperbahn or sometimes in Sternschanze.
Views from the Alster.
Fourth: Multiculturalism, you’ll notice there’s a concentration of foreigners in some areas more than others (I guess the same as England) but I find it’s not quite as diverse as England. And I’ve noticed a lot of reference to American politics here in Hamburg
Fifth: People seem to study all the time here, regardless of age! There’s a lot of ‘werkstudenten’, which we don’t really get (these are the people who work in offices as well as doing a part time degree).
Sixth: Music - the culture is very different here, they know their own German music very well (naturally so) and their American music (as everyone does) but they’re not really into their British English music
Seventh: Hamburg specific - the Reeperbahn, Schlagermusik! I’ve never seen anything like this in England, Schlagermove festival (overly joyous simple music) and the Reeperbahn (a place full of drunk people/brits, where people party A LOT).
A foosball table or as the germans say: Kicker.
Eighth: Pub Culture: they’re open for a lot longer here, but I don’t find it’s as part of the culture as much as it is in England. I’ve never really heard anyone say ‘Dya wanna go to the pub’ here in Germany. They also have foosball tables here rather than pool tables and they don’t sell pints!
The internet at Fork.
Ninth: In Germany you can drink on the street, it's called ‘cornern‘.
Tenth: FINALLY, THERE’S NO FORK UNSTABLE MEDIA IN ENGLAND, which is a massive difference. We definitely need one here.
[{"type":"intro","content":"\u003Cp\u003EI\u2019m an English chap named Bhav, \u2018ave lived in Manchester, Leicester and Crawley (Gatwick Airport if that rings a bell). I thought I\u2019d explain to a German person what they may not know about England before visiting, mostly entailing the cultural differences. Vice versa, show an English person what Germany is like, although this is in impartial as I haven\u2019t had near as much experience in Germany as I have had in comparison to England.\u003C\/p\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EDISCLAIMER: These are my opinions. Please do not take the given facts as 100% true, little to no research was done (based solely off amazing experiences)\u2026 \u003C\/p\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EENJOY THE QUICK READ.\u003C\/p\u003E"},{"type":"text","content":"\u003Cp\u003EIn the first part I will explain England for Germans, of course in German. Scroll down for a guide to Germany for English people.\u003C\/p\u003E\n\u003Ch3\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EEngland f\u00fcr Deutsche \u003C\/strong\u003E\u003C\/h3\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EErstens: \u003C\/strong\u003EFu\u00dfball ist sehr popul\u00e4r in England. In England ist es v\u00f6llig normal, Manchester United Fan zu sein und in London zu leben. Jeder hat eine Mannschaft. \u2028\u003Cbr \/\u003E\u003C\/p\u003E\n"},{"modifier":["small"],"image":{"alt":null,"lazy":"lqip","src":{"src":"\/media\/common\/_490xAUTO_crop_center-center_20_none\/England_1c.png"},"srcset":[{"unit":"w","width":490,"src":"\/media\/common\/_490xAUTO_crop_center-center_none\/England_1c.png"},{"unit":"w","width":710,"src":"\/media\/common\/_710xAUTO_crop_center-center_none\/England_1c.png"}],"sizes":[{"condition":"min-width: 768px","width":"490px"},{"width":"100vw"}]},"caption":"\u003Cp\u003EDer Junge rechts bin ich, bei meinem ersten Spiel f\u00fcr Liverpool.\u003C\/p\u003E","type":"image"},{"type":"text","content":"\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EZweitens:\u003C\/strong\u003E Die Tiere in England sind nicht so aggressiv wie hier \u2013 MEINER MEINUNG NACH! Wie du im Foto sehen kannst, sind sie sehr nett! In Deutschland hat mich eine Wespe gestochen, ohne Grund, einfach so, das erste Mal in meinem Leben. Nicht nett!\u003C\/p\u003E\n"},{"modifier":["small"],"image":{"alt":null,"lazy":"lqip","src":{"src":"\/media\/common\/_490xAUTO_crop_center-center_20_none\/England_2.png"},"srcset":[{"unit":"w","width":490,"src":"\/media\/common\/_490xAUTO_crop_center-center_none\/England_2.png"},{"unit":"w","width":710,"src":"\/media\/common\/_710xAUTO_crop_center-center_none\/England_2.png"}],"sizes":[{"condition":"min-width: 768px","width":"490px"},{"width":"100vw"}]},"caption":"\u003Cp\u003EIch und eine nette britische Ente.\u003C\/p\u003E","type":"image"},{"type":"text","content":"\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EDrittens:\u003C\/strong\u003E Wir studieren viel k\u00fcrzer in England. Im Grunde genommen haben die meisten einen Bachelorabschluss (und vielleicht einen Master, selten einen PhD). Viele Leute k\u00f6nnen sich nicht mehr als einen Abschluss leisten, weil studieren in England sehr teuer ist.\u2028\u003Cbr \/\u003E\u003C\/p\u003E\n"},{"modifier":["small"],"image":{"alt":null,"lazy":"lqip","src":{"src":"\/media\/common\/_490xAUTO_crop_center-center_20_none\/England_3b.jpg"},"srcset":[{"unit":"w","width":490,"src":"\/media\/common\/_490xAUTO_crop_center-center_none\/England_3b.jpg"},{"unit":"w","width":710,"src":"\/media\/common\/_710xAUTO_crop_center-center_none\/England_3b.jpg"}],"sizes":[{"condition":"min-width: 768px","width":"490px"},{"width":"100vw"}]},"caption":"\u003Cp\u003EIch und meine Uni.\u003C\/p\u003E","type":"image"},{"type":"text","content":"\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EViertens:\u003C\/strong\u003E Kicker in England hei\u00dft \u201cfoosball table\u201d. Bevor ich hier angekommen bin, hatte ich gar keine Ahnung was \u201eKicker\u201d hei\u00dft. Man findet auch selten ein Kicker Tisch in England, daf\u00fcr \u00f6fter einen Billardtisch.\u003Cbr \/\u003E\u003C\/p\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EF\u00fcnftens:\u003C\/strong\u003E Berlin und Hamburg sind komplett anders als London. Hier in Deutschland scheinen die Leute ein bisschen gl\u00fccklicher zu sein. Vielleicht liegt es ja daran, dass alles viel billiger ist. \u003C\/p\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003ESechstens:\u003C\/strong\u003E Tourismus in England ist ganz anders als in Deutschland! Wir haben: Stonehenge, Big Ben, Tower of London, National Parks, Eden Projekt, und alles in London, was jeder kennt. Laaaangweilig. Aber in Deutschland gibt es sehr viele historische Sehensw\u00fcrdigkeiten, die in Verbindung mit Weltkriegen oder dem kalten Krieg stehen. \u2028Spannend.\u003Cbr \/\u003E\u003C\/p\u003E\n"},{"modifier":["big"],"image":{"alt":null,"lazy":"lqip","src":{"src":"\/media\/common\/_830xAUTO_crop_center-center_20_none\/England_7.jpg"},"srcset":[{"unit":"w","width":830,"src":"\/media\/common\/_830xAUTO_crop_center-center_none\/England_7.jpg"},{"unit":"w","width":1100,"src":"\/media\/common\/_1100xAUTO_crop_center-center_none\/England_7.jpg"}],"sizes":[{"condition":"min-width: 1024px","width":"1100px"},{"width":"100vw"}]},"caption":"\u003Cp\u003EDas London Eye ist ein beliebter Ort f\u00fcr Touristen.\u003C\/p\u003E","type":"image"},{"type":"text","content":"\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003ESiebtens:\u003C\/strong\u003E Wir Briten \u00fcberqueren die Stra\u00dfe, egal was die Ampel anzeigt! \u2028\u003C\/p\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EAchtens:\u003C\/strong\u003E Kneipenkultur! In England trinkt man Cider, Bier (Guiness, Peroni, San Miguel oder was lokales). Wir haben \u2018squash\u2019, sehr konzentrierter Saft, den man mit Wasser mischt. Es gibt Pub-Ketten wie \u2019weatherspoons\u2019, die sehr popul\u00e4r sind. Es gibt \u00fcberall in England ein \u2019weatherspoons\u2019. Typisches englisches Kneipen-Essen ist: Bangers and Mash (Kartoffelbrei mit W\u00fcrstchen), Scotch egg (Fleisch mit Eiern), Chicken Tikka Masala, Jacket potato (Ofenkartoffel mit K\u00e4se und Bohnen) und Fisch und Chips.\u003Cbr \/\u003E\u003C\/p\u003E\n"},{"modifier":["small"],"image":{"alt":null,"lazy":"lqip","src":{"src":"\/media\/common\/_490xAUTO_crop_center-center_20_none\/England_6.png"},"srcset":[{"unit":"w","width":490,"src":"\/media\/common\/_490xAUTO_crop_center-center_none\/England_6.png"},{"unit":"w","width":710,"src":"\/media\/common\/_710xAUTO_crop_center-center_none\/England_6.png"}],"sizes":[{"condition":"min-width: 768px","width":"490px"},{"width":"100vw"}]},"caption":"\u003Cp\u003EWarum gehen Deutsche nicht \u00f6fter in Kneipen?\u003C\/p\u003E","type":"image"},{"type":"text","content":"\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003ENeuntens:\u003C\/strong\u003E Ich muss sagen, ich habe viel mehr unterschiedliche Kulturen in England gesehen als in Deutschland. Es gibt zum Beispiel den Notting Hill Carnival in England, der andere Kulturen feiert! England scheint multikultureller zu sein als Deutschland.\u003C\/p\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EZehntens:\u003C\/strong\u003E In England ist \u201ecornern\u201c verboten. Daf\u00fcr kann man in der Bahn trinken.\u003C\/p\u003E\n\u003Ch3\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EGermany for English chaps\u003C\/strong\u003E\u003C\/h3\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EFirst:\u003C\/strong\u003E The football culture is very prevalent in Hamburg despite the fact that both Hamburg teams are second league teams, not as common in England. I also feel like in Germany, in general, there\u2019s a lot more \u2018local\u2019 fans (there\u2019s less Berliners who support Bayern M\u00fcnchen to say the least).\u003Cbr \/\u003E\u003C\/p\u003E\n"},{"modifier":["big"],"image":{"alt":null,"lazy":"lqip","src":{"src":"\/media\/common\/_830xAUTO_crop_center-center_20_none\/Germany_1.jpg"},"srcset":[{"unit":"w","width":830,"src":"\/media\/common\/_830xAUTO_crop_center-center_none\/Germany_1.jpg"},{"unit":"w","width":1100,"src":"\/media\/common\/_1100xAUTO_crop_center-center_none\/Germany_1.jpg"}],"sizes":[{"condition":"min-width: 1024px","width":"1100px"},{"width":"100vw"}]},"caption":"\u003Cp\u003EMe visiting a game of FC St. Pauli in Hamburg.\u003C\/p\u003E","type":"image"},{"type":"text","content":"\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003ESecond:\u003C\/strong\u003E Wasps seemed to have tormented me all summer in Germany and I got stung for the first time here, so in my opinion they\u2019re overly aggressive. On serious note they are a little bit more \u2018in your face\u2019 here. \u2028\u003C\/p\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EThird:\u003C\/strong\u003E Tourism is completely different here in comparison to England, a lot of it is based off history generally speaking. Of course in Hamburg, not so much (from my experiences), but let\u2019s say Hamburg is like Brighton or Manchester, there\u2019s not much tourism in either of those English cities, which is quite the opposite to Hamburg.\u2028\u2028 Disclaimer: You find your fair share of drunk brits here on the Reeperbahn or sometimes in Sternschanze.\u2028\u003Cbr \/\u003E\u003C\/p\u003E\n"},{"modifier":["small"],"image":{"alt":null,"lazy":"lqip","src":{"src":"\/media\/common\/_490xAUTO_crop_center-center_20_none\/Germany_2b.jpg"},"srcset":[{"unit":"w","width":490,"src":"\/media\/common\/_490xAUTO_crop_center-center_none\/Germany_2b.jpg"},{"unit":"w","width":710,"src":"\/media\/common\/_710xAUTO_crop_center-center_none\/Germany_2b.jpg"}],"sizes":[{"condition":"min-width: 768px","width":"490px"},{"width":"100vw"}]},"caption":"\u003Cp\u003EViews from the Alster.\u003C\/p\u003E","type":"image"},{"type":"text","content":"\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EFourth:\u003C\/strong\u003E Multiculturalism, you\u2019ll notice there\u2019s a concentration of foreigners in some areas more than others (I guess the same as England) but I find it\u2019s not quite as diverse as England. And I\u2019ve noticed a lot of reference to American politics here in Hamburg\u2028\u003C\/p\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EFifth:\u003C\/strong\u003E People seem to study all the time here, regardless of age! There\u2019s a lot of \u2018werkstudenten\u2019, which we don\u2019t really get (these are the people who work in offices as well as doing a part time degree). \u2028\u003C\/p\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003ESixth:\u003C\/strong\u003E Music - the culture is very different here, they know their own German music very well (naturally so) and their American music (as everyone does) but they\u2019re not really into their British English music\u2028\u003C\/p\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003ESeventh:\u003C\/strong\u003E Hamburg specific - the Reeperbahn, Schlagermusik! I\u2019ve never seen anything like this in England, Schlagermove festival (overly joyous simple music) and the Reeperbahn (a place full of drunk people\/brits, where people party A LOT). \u2028\u003C\/p\u003E\n"},{"modifier":["big"],"image":{"alt":null,"lazy":"lqip","src":{"src":"\/media\/common\/_830xAUTO_crop_center-center_20_none\/Germany_4.jpg"},"srcset":[{"unit":"w","width":830,"src":"\/media\/common\/_830xAUTO_crop_center-center_none\/Germany_4.jpg"},{"unit":"w","width":1100,"src":"\/media\/common\/_1100xAUTO_crop_center-center_none\/Germany_4.jpg"}],"sizes":[{"condition":"min-width: 1024px","width":"1100px"},{"width":"100vw"}]},"caption":"\u003Cp\u003EA foosball table or as the germans say: Kicker.\u003C\/p\u003E","type":"image"},{"type":"text","content":"\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EEighth:\u003C\/strong\u003E Pub Culture: they\u2019re open for a lot longer here, but I don\u2019t find it\u2019s as part of the culture as much as it is in England. I\u2019ve never really heard anyone say \u2018Dya wanna go to the pub\u2019 here in Germany. They also have foosball tables here rather than pool tables and they don\u2019t sell pints!\u2028\u003C\/p\u003E\n"},{"modifier":["small"],"image":{"alt":null,"lazy":"lqip","src":{"src":"\/media\/common\/_490xAUTO_crop_center-center_20_none\/Germany_5b.jpg"},"srcset":[{"unit":"w","width":490,"src":"\/media\/common\/_490xAUTO_crop_center-center_none\/Germany_5b.jpg"},{"unit":"w","width":710,"src":"\/media\/common\/_710xAUTO_crop_center-center_none\/Germany_5b.jpg"}],"sizes":[{"condition":"min-width: 768px","width":"490px"},{"width":"100vw"}]},"caption":"\u003Cp\u003EThe internet at Fork.\u003C\/p\u003E","type":"image"},{"type":"text","content":"\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003ENinth: \u003C\/strong\u003EIn Germany you can drink on the street, it's called \u2018cornern\u2018.\u003C\/p\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003ETenth:\u003C\/strong\u003E FINALLY, THERE\u2019S NO \u003Ca href=\u0022https:\/\/www.fork.de\/\u0022 target=\u0022_blank\u0022 rel=\u0022noreferrer noopener\u0022\u003EFORK UNSTABLE MEDIA\u003C\/a\u003E IN ENGLAND, which is a massive difference. We definitely need one here.\u003C\/p\u003E"}]